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nanoCorrTM Coupled Multielectrode Sensor (CMS)

Analyzers & Probes for Real-Time & Online Localized Corrosion Monitoring and Electrochemical Studies

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Used with CorrVisualTM software, a wide range of multielectrode probes, and innovative seals, QueonTM, the nanoCorrTM analyzer makes the online and real-time monitoring of localized corrosion and most types of general corrosions quick, easy and reliable in liquids, soils, concrete, and humid gases under normal temperature and pressure or high-temperature and high-pressure conditions.

Our nanoCorrTM analyzers were developed on the basis of the coupled multielectrode array sensor technology patented by a major international research organization, and backed by several other U.S. and international pending patents. They are highly sensitive and reliable for all types of non-uniform corrosions including localized corrosions. They are also the only type of corrosion instruments in the world that have ever been claimed to be quantitative for monitoring localized corrosion below mill-per-year or micron-per-year levels.

More Information on:

nanoCorrTM CMS Analyzers

CMS Probes

Principle of Coupled Multielectrode Sensor Analyzers

When a metal undergoes non-uniform corrosion, particularly localized corrosion such as pitting corrosion or crevice corrosion, electrons are released from the anodic sites where the metal corrodes and travel to the cathodic sites where the metal corrodes less or does not corrode. In a coupled multielectrode sensor, there are multiple miniature electrodes made of materials identical to the engineering component of interest. Statistically, some of the electrodes have the properties that are close to the anodic sites and others have the properties that are close to the cathodic sites of the corroding metal.

When the miniature electrodes are electrically isolated from each other but coupled together by connecting each of them to a common joint through an external circuit, the electrodes that have the properties close to the anodic sites simulate the anodic areas, and the electrodes that have the properties close to the cathodic sites simulate the cathodic areas of the corroding metal. The electrons released from the anodic electrodes are forced to flow through the external circuit to the cathodic electrodes. Thus there are anodic currents flowing into the more corroding electrodes and cathodic current flowing out of the less corroding or non-corroding electrodes. The resulting electrical currents are measured and the localized or non-uniform corrosion rates are determined by nanoCorrTM analyzers.
Metal Samples Company

P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268

: (256) 358-4202
Fax: (256) 358-4515

E-mail: msc@alspi.com

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