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Corrosion Probes
Electrical Resistance Probes
Electrical Resistance
(ER) Probes
Linear Polarization Resistance Probes
Linear Polarization
Resistance (LPR) Probes
Specialized Probes
Specialized Probes
Probe Accessories
Probe Accessories

Electrical Resistance Probes

Electrical resistance (ER) corrosion probes are commonly used in petroleum, chemical processing, and other environments where on-line corrosion rate readings are required. Whereas test coupons must be removed from the process for evaluation, corrosion probes can allow corrosion rate determination without probe removal. Since these probes are made-in-house, we can offer rapid turnaround times and products manufactured according to your requirements for temperature, pressure, and other conditions. Hydrogen, sampling, injection, and custom-designed probes can be made as well.

Electrical resistance probes can be used in conductive systems, as well as non-conductive environments such as oil, gas, and atmosphere. The operating principle is based on the change in resistance of the probe element as it is exposed to corrosive conditions. Metal Samples manufactures electrical resistance probes for corrosion monitoring in wire loop, tube loop, flush-mount, and cylindrical element configurations. Wire and tube loop elements are Teflon or glass sealed. Cylindrical elements are supplied in all-welded form. Flush-mount elements can be provided with either glass or epoxy seals. ER probes can be rated up to 3600 psi and 500° F. Sensing elements can be made in a variety of materials and thicknesses. Velocity/safety shields are used to reduce fluid velocity around the sensing element and protect it from floating debris.

Linear Polarization Resistance Probes


Linear polarization resistance corrosion probes are commonly used in the water treating industry and other environments where instantaneous, on-line corrosion rate readings are required. Linear polarization probes are ideally suited to monitor fluctuations that may occur within a system; for example, these probes can be used to monitor corrosion inhibitor effects on a regular basis.

LPR probes are used in conductive environments such as water or any electrolyte. The operating principle is based on measuring the flow of current between electrodes. Two basic types of linear polarization probes are available. In the pipe plug, the electrode mounting stud is glass sealed in a pipe plug and then mounted on the end cap. This allows for easy replacement in case of damage to the mounting studs. In the integral type, the mounting studs form part of the end cap. In case of damage, the entire insertion rod has to be replaced. Probe terminals are metal/glass sealed and can be rated up to 3600 psi and 500° F.

LPR probes can be provided to accommodate the two-electrode and three-electrode techniques. Electrodes are replaceable and can be provided by Metal Samples in any alloy you require.

View Electrodes.

Specialized Probes



Sand (Erosion) Probe

Hydrogen Probes

nanoCorr™ Coupled Multielectrode Sensor (CMS)

Probe Accessories


Easy Tool Retracting System

Probe Adapters

Probe Extension Cables


Metal Samples Company

P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268

: (256) 358-4202
Fax: (256) 358-4515

E-mail: msc@alspi.com

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Metal Samples Company is a division of Alabama Specialty Products, Inc. - Copyright © 2025