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nanoCorrTM Analyzers

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Specifications for nanoCorrTM CMS Analyzers and Corrosion Monitoring System: Number of independent probes for simultaneous measurements : up to 12

  • Number of electrodes on each probe: up to 100
  • Number of pH or ORP electrodes: up to 3 (S-Models only)
  • Number of channels to receive analog signals from other meters such as humidity, pressure or flow pressure transducers: up to 3 (S-Models only)
  • Corrosion current accuracy: <10 pA depending on noise of environments
  • Corrosion rate accuracy: <10 nm/year or ~4x10-4 mil/year for typical applications
  • Number of channels for probe potentials or corrosion potentials: up to 12
  • Temperature channel: 1
  • RS-232 (with up to 50' cable) or RS-485 (with up to 4000' cable) connection between the corrosion analyzer and a computer.
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 120 mm x 350 mm x 260 mm.
  • Typical weight: 12 lb (5.5 kg).
  • Operating environment: 0 to 50oC.
  • Power supply: 120 V ± 10% or 120V/220 V±10%; 45 to 65 Hz frequency.
  • Maximum sampling rate: <30 seconds for a 50-electrode-probe.

* Specifications may be changed at manufacturers discretion without notice or at customer's request.

Model S-50 Station

Model S-50: Measures real-time corrosion rates, corrosion potentials, temperature and other parameters simultaneously from four independent Coupled Multielectrode probes, three pH or three ORP probes, or three other transducers for parameters such as conductivity, humidity, flow, and pressure.

Model A-18 --- Model S-18

Model A-18: Measures up to 18 electrodes of one to two independent probes. Has three standard military connectors for different combinations of probes, an additional one channel for temperature, and two channels for the corrosion potentials of probes.

Model S-18: In addition to the features of A-18, Model S-18 also measures up to three pH or three ORP probes, or three other transducers for parameters such as conductivity, humidity, flow, and pressure.

Model A-36 --- Model S-36

Model A-36: Measures up to 36 electrodes of one to four independent probes. Has six standard military connectors for different combinations of probes, an additional one channel for temperature, and four channels for the corrosion potentials of probes.

Model S-36: In addition to the features of A-36, Model S-36 also measures up to three pH or three ORP probes, or three other transducers for parameters such as conductivity, humidity, flow, and pressure.

Model A-50

Measures up to 50 electrodes of one to six independent probes. Has eleven standard military connectors for different combinations of probes, an additional one channel for temperature, and six channels for the corrosion potentials of probes. 

PittingCorr Model M-16

PittingCorr M-16 Analyzers are the economical version of the Coupled Multielectrode Sensor (CMS) Analyzers

Measures up to 16 electrodes of one probe. Has one standard military connector for corrosion probe, one channel for temperature probe (thermocouple), and one channel for the corrosion potential of the probe (reference electrode). Corrosion rate: 1 µm/yr to 1 cm/yr (0.04 to 400 mil/yr)

Metal Samples Company

P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268

: (256) 358-4202
Fax: (256) 358-4515

E-mail: msc@alspi.com

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