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Corrosion Data Management Software

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Table Of Contents

Q Can data from the CDMS package be opened in a spreadsheet such as Excel?
A Yes.  The data is comma-delimited text, and can be saved as a text (.txt) file or a comma-separated values (.csv) file.  Both of these file formats are supported by Excel, Quattro Pro, and Lotus 1-2-3.
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Q Can charts be exported to other programs?
A Yes.  Charts can be exported as either raw data, or as a graphic.
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Q Does the CDMS package handle data from other manufacturers data-loggers?
A No.  Currently, it can only handle data from Metal Samples data-loggers.
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Q How much does the CDMS package cost?
A We currently offer a FREE copy with the purchase of a Metal Samples data-logger.  For more information about this offer, or to find out about purchasing a copy, please contact our sales department.
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Q What kind of output options does the Corrosion Coupon Worksheet have?
A There are two options for saving coupon data.  1) Individual coupons can be saved in text reports.  2)  Multiple coupons can be saved in a data file, which can be opened with any standard spreadsheet program.
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Q What is the LPR Alloy Multiplier Worksheet for?
A The Alloy Multiplier Worksheet is used to calculate alloy multipliers for 2-Electrode LPR probes.  A different multiplier is required for each electrode alloy used.
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Q Will the Corrosion Coupon Worksheet work with metric units?
A Yes.  It will work with imperial or metric units.  Additionally, the units for density, dimensions, metal loss/corrosion rate, and weight can be configured independently.
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Q When I click the Chart Data button, I get the following error message:  "Run time error: 384 - A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized"
A Your display resolution is set too low.  Make sure it is set to at least 800 x 600.
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Q When I use the Calculate Corrosion Rate option on the Data Chart, the value I get is much larger than expected.  It is 1000 times greater than the value I calculated manually.
A This problem occurs when using an older version of CDMS, and a PC which has Regional Settings set to something other than United States.  The problem occurs because versions of CDMS prior to 3.1.3 did not have support for European date and number formats.  To correct this problem, install the latest software update.
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Q Why do I get the message "Error!  Invalid Date(s)" even when all dates in my file are valid?
A This problem occurs when using an older version of CDMS, and a PC which has Regional Settings set to something other than United States.  The problem occurs because versions of CDMS prior to 3.1.3 did not have support for European date and number formats.  To correct this problem, install the latest software update.
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Q I've downloaded an update, but I still see the old software version number when I load the program.
A For the update to work, you must save the updated CDMS.exe file to the same directory you installed the CDMS software in originally, and allow it to overwrite the existing CDMS.exe file.
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Q What causes "Run-time error '11' - Division by zero" when I click Calculate on the LPR Alloy Multiplier Worksheet?
A When the Calculate button is clicked, any blank, zero, or non-numeric values in the Valence column will cause a divide-by-zero error.  Invalid characters can occur in the Valence column for two reasons:  1) Older versions of the software do not restrict the valence input to valid numbers.  2) In older versions of the software, leaving the valence prompt blank will not discard the element as stated. Rather, the element will be added to the table with a blank valence.  To prevent this problem, remove any elements from the table that have a blank, zero, or non-numeric valence.  Or you can get the latest update, which corrects this problem.
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Q When I download data from an MS3510E ER Data Logger/Transmitter I get "Invalid Date" errors, and the "Metal Loss" column does not appear in the Data Table.   What causes this?
A CDMS versions prior to 3.1.5 did not recognize the MS3510E as an ER instrument.  This caused the software to mis-handle data from the model MS3510E.  To correct this problem, install the latest software update.
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Q When I try to print a chart with Landscape page orientation, the chart is actually printed with Portrait page orientation. What causes this, and how can I fix it?
A You will encounter this problem when you use the Corrosion Data Management Software with Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, or XP.  This problem occurs because these operating systems handle certain print commands differently than Windows 98, for which the software was originally developed.  If you are using one of these operating systems, you may notice that the "Number of copies:" setting is ignored as well as the print orientation.  You may also notice that these problems occur in all print functions of the software, not just the chart.  These issues were corrected in version 3.1.6.  Click here for the latest update.
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Metal Samples Company

P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268

: (256) 358-4202
Fax: (256) 358-4515

E-mail: msc@alspi.com

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Metal Samples Company is a division of Alabama Specialty Products, Inc. - Copyright © 2025