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Corrosion Data Management Software


Current Software Version: 3.1.16
Released: 8/15/18

As software updates become available, they will be posted to this page. The Revision History table below gives a brief description of the changes in each software release.

Updates can be downloaded and installed free of charge, if you are an authorized CDMS user. Updates are only compatible with CDMS Version 3 and above.

To determine if a software update is newer than the software currently installed on your system, check the version number. The version number can be seen on the Metal Samples "splash" screen that appears briefly on program startup, and can also be found on the About screen. The About screen can be accessed from any of the main program modules under the Help menu.

If a newer version is available, and you wish to install it:

  1. Close the Corrosion Data Management Software, if it is currently open on your system.
  2. Unstall the previous version of the software.
  3. Click here to download the CDMS Version 3.1.16.zip file.
  4. Unzip the "CDMS_V3_1_16_Setup.zip" file.
  5. Run the "setup.exe" file.

Revision History

Version Description

Added compatibility for newer instruments.
Added compatibility for data files with multiple probes.
Added the ability to place multiple corrosion rate calculations on an ER plot.
Added the ability to place annotations on the plot.  Annotations can be edited, moved, and deleted.
Added the ability to apply a moving average to an ER plot.
Added the ability to change the unit of measurement on the Data Table and Data Chart.  Units can be set to mils, millimeters, or micrometers.

3.1.15 Minor updates and testing. No public release.
3.1.14 Minor updates and testing. No public release.
3.1.13 Minor updates and testing. No public release.
3.1.12 Updated for compatibility with newer OS. Fixed download issues.
3.1.11 Minor bug fixes.
3.1.10 Minor bug fixes.
3.1.9 Added capability for additional COM ports - up to COM30.
3.1.8 Added capability for additional COM ports - up to COM20.
3.1.7 Added a batch job option to the Corrosion Coupon Worksheet.
Changed the Alloy input field on the Corrosion Coupon Worksheet from a simple text box to a drop-down list containing over 30 of the most common corrosion coupon alloys.  The alloy list is linked to the Density field and has built-in densities for all of the alloys in the list.
3.1.6 Fixed certain incompatibilities between the CDMS print controls and Windows 2000, NT, and XP, which caused print options such as Page Orientation and Number Of Copies to be ignored.
3.1.5 Fixed a problem that caused the software to recognize the MS3510E ER Data Logger as an LPR instrument.
3.1.4 Fixed a divide-by-zero error that can occur on the LPR Alloy Multiplier Worksheet.
3.1.3 Added compatibility for European date and number formats.
3.1.2 Removed the chart setup screen, and moved the chart setup options to the Tools menu in the chart module.
Added the .csv file format, and made it the default format in the download module.
Fixed an error that can occur while loading the help file on some systems.
3.1.1 Fixed minor calculation errors.
Made minor changes to the user interface.
3.1.0 Added the Tools menu to the chart module.
Improved the zoom function.
Added corrosion rate calculation for ER plots.
Improved print and save functions.
Added a full help file.
3.0.1 Improved error handling in several modules.
3.0.0 Initial public release.
Added the alloy multiplier and corrosion coupon worksheets.
2.0.0 to 2.0.3 Limited release as a beta program - no update available.
Offered download and chart modules only.
1.0.0 No public release - internal use only.
Metal Samples Company

P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268

: (256) 358-4202
Fax: (256) 358-4515

E-mail: msc@alspi.com

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Metal Samples Company is a division of Alabama Specialty Products, Inc. - Copyright © 2025