Test coupons provide an inexpensive means of on-line monitoring that will allow you to effectively measure the corrosivity within your system. By observing the mils-per-year corrosion rate of an exposed coupon, valuable information can be provided regarding the material's life expectancy.
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Metal Samples offers a complete line of corrosion monitoring instruments / meters for use with linear polarization resistance (LPR) probes. LPR Instruments include portable meters, transmitters, data loggers.
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Metal Samples provides conventional or custom-designed bypass piping systems for on-line corrosion monitoring. Commonly used in the industrial water treatment industry to determine the corrosive properties of potable or cooling water, these systems are available in PVC, carbon and stainless steels, and other materials.
Linear polarization resistance corrosion probes are commonly used in the water treating industry and other environments where instantaneous, on-line corrosion rate readings are required.
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