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Model ER0500

Electrical Resistance Probe
Surface Strip Element and Cylindrical Element Types

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Surface Strip Element

Cylindrical Element

Model ER0500 corrosion probes are designed for heavy duty service conditions such as underground and structural monitoring of pipelines, vessels, above and below ground storage tanks and structures - whether cathodically protected or not. The surface strip element assembly is suited to the “construction site” environment. The cylindrical element is economical and durable. Its slim profile is convenient for locations with restricted access such as concrete bridge structures and other infrastructure applications. Both probes provide good sealing of the reference element and the check element provides confidence in the continued performance of the corrosion sensor. Either probe may be connected to a cathodically protected structure using the attached grounding lead. This allows the probe to measure the effectiveness of the Cathodic Protection (C.P.) System under operating conditions. If left unconnected from the structure, the probe monitors the direct corrosivity of the soil or environment. The grounding lead is installed at the connector end, unless otherwise specified. This enables connection to the C.P. System to be made as required even after probe installation.


  Surface Strip Cylindrical (Standard) Cylindrical (High-Temp)
Probe Body PVC / Epoxy FRP / Epoxy Stainless Steel

High-Density Polyethylene Jacket
Rated for Direct Burial

Teflon® FEP
Temperature Rating 176°F (80°C) 392°F (200°C)

ER0500 Ordering Information

AP - Electrical Resistance Probe
40 - Underground cylindrical with ground strap
61 - Underground surface strip with ground strap
AO - High-temperature underground cylindrical with ground strap
  Element Thickness
10 - 10 mil thickness (5 mil useful probe life) - cylindrical or surface strip
20 - 20 mil thickness (10 mil useful probe life) - cylindrical or surface strip
40 - 40 mil thickness (20 mil useful probe life) - surface strip only
50 - 50 mil thickness (25 mil useful probe life) - cylindrical only
Element Alloy
  Cable Length
10 - 10 ft. cable
20 - 20 ft. cable
Your Part Number



This list represents our most common options.  Many other sizes, alloys, and options are available.
Please contact your Metal Samples sales representative if you do not see what you're looking for.
(Note: Not all alloys are available with all element types and seals.)
* For CT50 cylindrical elements use alloy code 378 instead of 375.
** Chemically equivalent to standard pipe-grade carbon steels.

Teflon® is a registered trademark of DuPont.

Installation/Clearance Dimensions:

Surface Strip Element
Cylindrical Element


Metal Samples Company

P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268

: (256) 358-4202
Fax: (256) 358-4515

E-mail: msc@alspi.com

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Metal Samples Company is a division of Alabama Specialty Products, Inc. - Copyright © 2024