Our Classmates
About You
Linda Blackwell Jermyn
2315 Middlecoff Dr.
Gulfport, MS 39507
Phone: 228-896-3366
E-mail: LBJermyn@aol.com
Occupation: Registered Clinical Dietitian,Retired
Spouse: Thomas R.Jermyn
Children: 2
Grandchildren: 2
On September 13, 2006 Linda wrote:
Our last update was 5 years ago. We are now both retired, and enjoying our
children, grandchildren, caring for Tom's parents, and traveling/diving.
Tom is now a Divemaster, working on his Instructor's certification. He
assists with dive classes at a local dive shop. He plays golf a couple
times/week. We have a second grandchild, Thomas Huntley Biggs, who is 2 1/2.
His big sister, Sydney, is 5 1/2. I have each grandchild one day a week,
take Sydney to dance lessons, take Yoga and Pilates classes, am active in
several women's groups, stay somewhat involved in my professional programs
and church activities.
Both our daughters have had job changes recently. Debra Biggs, our oldest,
is now the Director of Finance of the Biloxi Grand Casino (Harrah's), which
just opened last month. Our youngest, Rebecca Graves, is completing her
Master's in Nursing, with a Nurse Practitioner degree.
We are very proud of both of them and their husbands!
This past year, we have been repairing our own, and friends', damages from
Katrina. Not too bad at home, but our camp on Tchoutabouffa River was
flooded, so Tom has been cleaning, clearing, and repairing it (just like the
majority of folks on the Coast). We considered ourselves lucky under the
We thoroughly enjoyed planning and attending our 45th reunion. The Memorial
Program was a moving, and appropriate, addition to our program. It was
wonderful to see everyone again, and it made us miss the rest of you even
more. Please, please plan to attend the next one---don't let aging, weight,
shape or hair (or lack of it) deprive you of that unique pleasure--obviously
the rest of us haven't let those things stop us!
Also, I am trying to keep an up-to-date list of E-mail addresses to use to
communicate information regarding the class. If you have not received an
E-mail message from me since the reunion, then I don't have your most recent
one. Please E-mail me at LBJermyn@aol.com ,so I can add you to the list.
In 2001 Linda wrote:
Wow, you want 40 years in a paragraph? OK, here goes:
Graduated MSCW (it was STILL MSCW then)in Nutrition; internship @ Duke University Medical
Center. Married childhood sweetheart in 1965. Returned to Gulfport and joined the VA
Medical Center in 67; two daughters born in 68-Debra, and 71-Rebecca. Both of us were
active in our church, St.James, as well as Marriage Encounter, and everything the girls
were involved with in their schools, St.James elementary and St.John High School.
Tom (or Tommy, as you may know him) had interrupted his college days to join the Marine
Corps in 63, then completed his degree in Physical Education and Recreation at USM. He
received further training in Kinesiotherapy, and has been employed at the VA, currently
the Driver Education Instructor for the Handicapped. He has been in the MS Army National
Guard for over 25 years.
Since our nest has been empty, we have pursued our love of the water by becoming certified
in Scuba Diving. We had always had boats, and water-skied and jet-skied (sp?), and finally
decided to see what underwater was like, and we love it! We have dived in various areas of
the Southeast Gulf, as well as the Bahamas and several islands in the Carribean. Tom is
even working on his Divemaster certification (which seems harder to me than any academic
course I ever took).
I have very recently retired, but Tom is still going (maybe next year).
Also, very importantly, we have just had our first grandchild; our daughter, Debra and her
husband, Huntley Biggs,Jr., had a little girl on April 13 (Good Friday), Sydney Burke
Biggs. And it's all true, the things I've heard about grandchildren. Our daughter,Rebecca,
is married to Brian Graves and they live in Mobile. Rebecca has changed careers and is
completing her nursing degree this Dec. (Then maybe, more grandchildren!)
Looking forward to seeing everyone! |